Friday, August 2, 2013

The Legend Of Korra Season One and Trailer Review

The season two trailer for The Legend of Korra didn't do anything for me cause personally the only thing I liked about Legend of Korra Season one was the flashbacks that let me see Aang and the original Team Avatar. I didn't like The Legend of Korra because the first three seasons started slow and then sped up as the story unfolded where as Legend instead decided that they were going to take advantage of not having to tell an "orgin story". At first I loved the faster pace of the show until it started to remind me of Power Rangers in the sense of having many mini bosses and every problem of the episode being solved in said episode. The end of the season was really anticlimactic over all Korra felt spoon feed compared to Aang the battle wasn't what i except or wanted. My biggest complain is Mako and Korra's relationship, Korra's motivation for being in the relationship is simple she thinks Mako is hot. On the flip side i don't see Mako's motivation at all I know the feeling didn't come out of the blue because they had a kiss, but one kiss doesn't make a relationship. Asami and Mako made sense right of the bat he didn't see her as his tomboy friend but as a hot chick and she introduced him to a whole new world. And that the end when Korra gets both air bending and the Avatar State WTF?
My Rating: Needed more time in the oven: 4/10

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