Saturday, July 20, 2013

Code Lyoko Evolution Review

Change isn't always a good thing especially when you have no reason to change what worked so well. After watch Code Lyoko season five episode five I'm left thinking they should've just rebooted the show. Code Lyoko was my all time favorite show when i was younger and it still holds up why how you might ask, because the show did a great job from the start (prequel episodes) of building the world of Lyoko by setting rules and purposely leaving some rules out for the people watching at home. Even now rewatching the old episodes of Code Lyoko everything makes sense in that world everything feels thought through for the sake of the over all plot. Not only was the plot well done but the characters were as well even Sissi and her annoying freak shows. The original four seasons never seemed to back panel with a forced reason by that i mean X.A.N.A is a virus he upgrade and sometimes be the badass he is he changed the rules of the game, but with all that the show still draws me in emotional at times because it's hinted at and maybe even said if someone dies in a X.A.N.A attack that person is not coming back in a return to the past and besides addressing this dark truth i have no problems with the original four season which got better season after season. Now that i got you feeling good here's the bad the story and characters of Code Lyoko are rich and that is why Code Lyoko Evolution falls short badly normally i would ask myself why did the original cast not come back are they died? Or maybe not earn money? Or maybe the end of season four was were they said the goodbye like MoonScoop should have instead of whoring out their property. I having seen the first episode so i can't judge the plot but the characters i can first of all why is this live action i mean i saw the promo to the show and though it was fans of the show going to make a quick fan-vid I should not think that a studio made trailer is some fan made YouTube video. Starting off with my second problem with CLE is it looks cheap like really cheap I felt like I was watching the Flintstones you know how the same background just kept repeating over and over and the just look awful. Problem three we have Yumi being attacked in-between class in front of everybody and not only does Yumi, how is trained in self-defense, not fight back but nobody help until Ulrich and Odd show up.In Code Lyoko the beauty of X.A.N.A was he didn't give a fuck who you are you got in his way he kick your ass plus the scary it was he could teleport making you piss your pants at every turn, so problem three is that X.A.N.A wasn't terrifying in this he didn't every try to stop the Lyoko warrior going to the scanners. Last and biggest problem i had is the casting starting with the background characters it was like the were told to not react to anything and keep from showing their faces odd because in Code Lyoko the side character played a part of the over all environment of the show. Now on to the biggest fish first Jeremie Belpois didn't see a lot of him but want i saw i hated they try way to hard to make him look nerdy when the original just had him wear glasses and had him use a bigger vocabulary. Next we have Odd Della Robbia my favorite character who i wanted to kill, original he was a player that always got catch and a smart-ass with a heart of gold that got called on his shit all the time but, here his mouth seem to just keep going and never stop plus nobody said shit they just took his abuse like bitches side note the actor playing Odd looks like a loud mouth dick that would get his ass kicked a lot. Ulrich Stern went from being the badass with a soft side to being a love sick show off still having a dick measuring contest with William enough said. Poor Yumi Ishiyama went from being the badass chick in the group that could play as if not harder then the boy is now just a face in the crowd my god Odd out lasted her on Lyoko but seriously the actress playing her i honestly started this review after watch in the episode and i can't remember anything she did beside getting huge by X.A.N.A. I though Yumi was bad all the character development the the four seasons gave us to turn Aelita Schaffer from a Disney princess into a true Lyoko Warrior was shit do the toilet with the rest of the plot. William Dunbar who i thought was an under used character and they needed a fifth and final season just so i could see so true character development from him, boy was i wrong  they made him Taylor Lautner in all the bad ways. The characters are horrible it feels like a lower budget then the first season the new fans will like the old version better and so do the old fans. The lip syncing is great in Lyoko but in the live action it is way to hit and miss mostly miss not a fan of the new towers or theme

My Rating: existence questioning when you watch something so bad it make you wonder/hope your having a nightmare: 1/10

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